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More and more homes beyond the reach of natural gas mains are taking advantage of propane. Whether new construction, renovations, or even older homes switching away from fuel oil and electricity, propane is leading the way.

Clean – propane emits a fraction of the CO2 & particulate emissions of fuel oil or electricity made from coal.
Versatile – heating, hot water, cooking, clothes drying, pool heating, emergency power
Efficient – new appliances operate at up to 96% AFUE giving you the most value for your energy budget
American – nearly all of the propane used in our region comes from domestic sources
Safe – propane has a distinctive odor added to detect leaks as well as a shutoff valve on every tank

Propane can do so many jobs around the house, download our handy customer welcome packet for more information on how propane works and why it does a better job than oil or electricity.

Find additional information and resources on the specific uses of propane using the category tabs above or visit the following websites:

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